Special Needs Programs

Special Needs Programs 

by Shannon Ayoub and Taya Davis





What are special needs programs?


Special needs programs are more commonly called Assistive Devices and range widely in their usage. An Assistive Device is any device that is designed, made, or adapted to assist a person with a disability and includes wheelchairs, hearing aides, communication devices, etc. Some Assistive Devices can be very costly and unavailable for all teachers, expecially for those who are not Special Educators. However, there are many little things that you can do for your Special Needs Students with the resources that you currently have.







Speech Recognition Software


Speech recognition software is a program that converts speech to text. The software is designed and trained to recognize a particular speakers voice. It is a great assesst to those who are visually impaired or physically handicapped because it requires little more than your than your voice to control the software


Setting Up Your Speech Recognition Software (for PC):

1. Select the START menu


3. Select EASE OF ACCESS or SPEECH RECOGNITION (some computers will have not have the EASE OF ACCESS option so just click on the software)


5. You will then be prompted to follow a series of steps in order to sync your microphone to your voice. It takes about five to ten minutes to complete.



 Once you have completed setting up your microphone you will then be able to control your computer using your voice. In the same section you will also find tutorials on how to use the software as well as an option to better train your software to recognize your voice. The more you use your software the better it will understand you.







Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices


Augmentative communication devices are used for individuals with language disorders to help communicate their thoughts to others. Each device is designed for a certain individual pertaining to their personal daily activities. Each button is previously programmed with an audio recording of the word, so that when the individual presses on the button, the word correlates to the picture and helps them communicate their desires. 


The more advanced augmentative and alternative communication devices are programmed to combine words to make a full sentence.  The individual presses on multiple words in a row that construct a visual sentence on the device.  Once the sentence is complete to their desire, they then press on the sentence and it is presented in full.  



